President’s Desk
Learn, network and celebrate
at our annual conference
Dear ECTESOLers and Educators of Multilingual Learners:
I would like to take this opportunity to report that we are still going strong despite all the challenges facing our profession which reflects the resiliency of teachers in general including TESOLers.
This year’s annual conference will be held on Saturday, April 20. As we all know, nothing truly replaces the opportunity to see area educators face-to-face, however, I am pleased that we are able to offer a hybrid annual conference this year so that those who are unable to get to the University of West Florida’s main campus in Pensacola can join us.
We have a great lineup of presenters this year; some of whom are recognized nationally and dare I say even internationally as it is the case with Dr. Luciana de Oliveira (pictured right) who is one of our featured speakers. The title of her presentation is: Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction: Scaffolding Functional Language. Dr. de Oliveira is a very charismatic speaker and will share great and helpful information for teachers of multilingual learners. Do not miss it!
We are also fortunate to have many other presenters covering a variety of topics along with publishers’ representers who are supporting the conference by sharing the latest publications and so much more. For example, Cambridge’s Senior Language Specialist, James Goldstone, will deliver a presentation that highlights one of the company’s most recent publications and also contributed materials for our door prizes and other gifts.
The board members and I, would like to invite you to join us and would love your continued engagement and the sharing of ideas with other educators in the area. So, prepare suggestions for workshops or future events that the ECTESOL can sponsor. We would love to hear from you.
In closing, I would like to say thank you to all of our educators who work tirelessly to support our multilingual learners and advocate for them and their success – You all do incredible work and we hope to see you soon at the conference on April 20th.
I would also like to thank the ECTESOL board members who are truly dedicated to keeping the chapter going. I am proud to work alongside all of you!
Have a great rest of your school year or semester!
Amany Habib
ECTESOL President